Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Change of plans...

So at 8:05 my editor for the week called and said to haul it over to Rudy headquarters instead. On the ride over, Rudy's concession of the state speech went on NPR, so I pulled over, taped it, and wrote it up. Now I'm at the Radisson, awaiting further instruction.

Huckabee, Romney have spoken cause they've called it for McCain. Now we're waiting for Hillary/Obama. Obama's rally is just down the street. I am tempted to go over there, but apparently its hard to get through security with his new Secret Service detail. Hillary is across the river and through the woods, at Southern New Hampshire University.

Some of you know tomorrow is the State of the State back in Albany. I've been helping out with arrangements for that from my lil' computer here. Well, now I'm writing a Bloomberg presidential story tomorrow after the SoS.


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