Monday, January 28, 2008

Mom raised me right.

Growing up there was really one rule that was more important than all others. There is nothing that a bubble bath can't solve. My mom would say unless the house was burning down, bath time was not to be disturbed.

So tonight, instead of going out on the town, after I filed at the Tribune bureau (so pretty and clean and new and shiny!), I went to CVS and picked up some bubble bath. I was able to turn off my Blackberry, and give myself a nice 30 minutes of peace. I feel SO much better.

I am watching the State of the Union. Weird to see the capitol if I crane my neck out the window, and here is what is going on inside of there. President Bush waited 42 whole minutes before bringing up Sept. 11. It's a record.

I ordered room service and am ready to read and go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, but we aren't getting started until 'mid afternoon.' I may sleep in I may go for a quick wander to the zoo. I am in the same neighborhood! Or maybe I will go to a Smithsonian. If only the Newseum was open already! I would love to go play there. Either way, this is a welcome break!

1 comment:

Germom said...

Your Mom sounds like a smart woman. It is the little things.... Love, Mom!