Monday, January 28, 2008

Greetings from Connecticut

We landed in Tarrytown at 2 a.m., and the bus finally arrived a half hour later. Three hours sleep. I'm in Hartford, Connecticut right now. Kinda weird, I am dissapointed that today I will not be going anyplace new. I've been to Hartford (my favorite Phish show ever! 12/12/99? Maybe 2000), and Springfield Massachussets. Tonight I'll have eight free hours in Washington, D.C. I was saying yesterday its a shame that we haven't had time to explore the neat places we've been, but I meant Memphis, not D.C.

I may go to the Newseam, if it has opened. I may go see Juno. I may meet up with the TFAS kids from my Georgetown days to watch the State of the Union. I may just sleep and order thai food.

Here are links to the 'team coverage' including myself, over the past few days:
On the Kennedy's, Why Black Voters Shifted.

I need a nap.

1 comment:

Faith said...

hey there! I think I found your blog via facebook but anything is possible at this point. I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying reading your posts. The one about the ducks made me laugh.
Keep it up! and good luck!
-Faith (former Oracle Copy Editory and fellow SUNY NP Alumnus)