Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 2, part 1

This morning I decided to start a quick blog for New Hampshire, instead of emailing my loved ones with updates. And since I will be loitering in coffee shops while I wait for assignments, it seemed logical, and blogger makes it easy.

I spent the morning at a John Edwards rally. 600 people in a small room. The fire marshall was a very patient man. Elizabeth introduced him, and the people seemed to love both of them. A quick speech and a couple of questions took an hour.

After the event I spoke briefly to Joe Trippi. He does not love the national media.

Then we gaggled around the senator. He took four questions. I tried.

Now I'm in a Panera. I wrote up a story, most likely for our website, and am planning my afternoon before tonight's debates.

1 comment:

The Chic Critique said...

You are taking New Hampshire by storm! I think they should elect you for president instead. You are much cuter than Hillary!